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Every day the body endures stresses, strains and tension. Your body makes physical changes to compensate for these stresses, strains and tension. Over time these changes cause body tissue to tighten, distort and knot. These distortions can cause soreness and pain in a localized area and send off “referred” pain to other parts of the body. Every part of our body, both inside and out, is connected, similar to a spider web. Our entire body is made up of cells. Even our bones are tightly compressed cells. The techniques that I use work gently to manipulate the cells not only at the point of pain but where the pain originates. This pain could have started years ago with a fall, bad bump or pull from a seat belt during a sudden stop. Think of the cells as a bubble bath. Most of the bubbles connect in some way until you gently touch the water. Then they may move apart. If you are rough and splash, the water will break the bubbles, or in the case of the cells, they may be damaged. I believe the tissue of the body responds better when treated with gentleness and respect. I can better feel what the body needs when I perform manual therapy slowly. Another example I like to use is for you to picture yourself standing in a room. You don’t know I’m coming up behind you. If I shove you, you probably would not fall because you automatically brace yourself. Similarly when you are already in pain and are being worked on aggressively, your body tends to brace itself against treatment. Because the techniques I incorporate in manual therapy are often very gentle, they are effective for adults, children and infants. (Children and infants treatment is always very gentle).



An equally important element in your health is for you to know how to manage your pain on a day to day basis. Together we will work to establish a plan of care. This plan will help you take charge to make a difference in how you feel and the quality of your life.

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